Crown copyright and database rights. Ordnance Survey 2025.
Data Supply
We can supply data in GeoTiff, ECW or Jpeg with world files. These can be imported directly into a GIS Server, or used within your own mobile app, for both online and offline use.
Below are samples of three areas within Great Britain in GeoTiff file format, aligned to Ordnance Survey British National Grid. Alternatively search for specific areas of interest using postcode, streetname, W3W
Area Name Size Pixel Size Pixels Per Metre File Format Link
Birkenhead 2000m2 20000x20000px 10px GeoTiff Birkenhead10px.tif
Birkenhead 4000m2 20000x20000px 5px GeoTiff Birkenhead5px.tif
Swansea 2000m2 20000x20000px 10px GeoTiff Swansea10px.tif
Swansea 4000m2 20000x20000px 5px GeoTiff Swansea5px.tif
York 2000m2 20000x20000px 10px GeoTiff York10px.tif
York 4000m2 20000x20000px 5px GeoTiff York5px.tif