Crown copyright and database rights. Ordnance Survey 2025.
Whole of Great Britain in GeoTiff format £1200.00
MasterMap vs MappingGB
MasterMap is without doubt the most detailed mapping of Great Britain. If you or your business can only use the detail that MasterMap has to offer then MappingGB is most likely not for you. However these cost comparisons could persuade you otherwise.
MasterMap km2 £262
MappingGB km2 n/a
MasterMap 10km2 £6503
MappingGB 10km2 £275
MasterMap Whole GB £1.3M
MappingGB Whole GB £1200
All costs (including comparisons) are subject to VAT
Contact us with your requirements. We can supply via download or physical media if required.
tel: 01246 540007